Total Flooring

Vermillion, South Dakota

HTML based website that focuses on letting customers know their products & their work.

Total Flooring of Vermillion is a simple HTML based website that was built to get results in the search engines and to show potential clients what they offer from Residential flooring & Commercial Flooring.

The site has an easy to find menu and shows basic information on the interior pages for their hours and who they are.  A simple map on their Contact page allows people to locate them.

In 2015, Total Flooring, wanted to add project photos.  Heartland was happy to add at no additional costs!

Thanks Chad and Marie for letting Heartland Internet Solutions provide your website!

Products used:  Website Package
Client since:  2012

Total Flooring Vermillion Website

Photo Gallery of their work.


Use existing known branding.


Easily find their Hours.